Does content marketing work for accountancy firms?

In this email Arun discusses successful strategies to gain clients with content marketing

Does content marketing work for accountancy firms?

I have tried most things in marketing my accountancy firm, Samera. Some have worked, others dismally failed.

But our website,, is at the heart of gaining new quality leads.

We are not a big firm with a huge team, we are a small firm, but with a focus on driving traffic and quality healthcare business leads to grow our firm.

1. Relevant content

Our target market is the UK healthcare sector, so we create content for this sector. However, it’s not a matter of one-off articles, it involves regular blog posts, videos, articles, white papers, FAQs….plus a whole dedicated part of our website titled “Resources”, which is constantly updated and improved for SEO purposes.

Content takes time, but the key is the content must be well written, relevant and actually add value to the reader. Whilst ChatGPT can certainly help to create such content, a human is still needed to really provide a reader with the information they want and need.

Action Point: Focus on quality rather than quantity. Write what people want and need. 

2. SEO (Search engine optimisation)

This goes hand in hand with content. I have a team that is pretty much dedicated to doing this, so we rank for keywords we are competing for. This means the articles/blog posts we are writing are well structured and rank well for the keywords we want to get to the top of Google for.

SEO is rapidly changing and the notion of trying to do this yourself is great if you have nothing else to do, but truth be told, you need a team to support your efforts if you are even serious about ranking well in Google.

We rank highly for many of the keywords we are targeting but also in Google my business too.

Action point: Optimise your content for certain keywords you are aiming to compete for and start to see the traffic flow. Seek help from SEO experts to do this.

3. Pay per click (PPC)

We have been using PPC for almost 20 years. We have always coupled this with SEO, as we want to dominate in the sectors we operate in on Google. This means organically (SEO) but also for paid adverts too.

Gone are the days where you experiment and can burn money, you can now really be quite precise around what keywords you want to bid for and which area, time……you name it.

I have always been a big fan of PPC and coupled with SEO, this increases the opportunity to get that valuable top of the page space.

Action Point: Open up a Google Ads account and start with a small budget, once you are set up properly, let it run in the background whilst you focus on the SEO side of things.

4. Email marketing

Again, something we have been doing for many years. We are firm believers of sharing our content to our database of people on our email list. We have never bought a list, we just build our own list from the enquiries and contacts we have made over the years. This numbers in the thousands and provides us with a constant throughput of new clients.

But how do we get such email details? Go back to point 1! We create content people want, so they then opt-in to our newsletters and emails! 

Action point: Build an email database from all enquiries and slowly but surely send your valuable content to these people

These are just some quick tips for anyone trying to get traction. To get more ideas and tips to build your accountancy firm, make sure you subscribe to my newsletter on the link below: