It's All About Creating Content That Converts!

Has your Accountancy Firm got a Content Strategy Yet?

Hi everyone,

The accounting world is changing, and now!

Thanks to tech, digital marketing, and an open, global market, it’s no longer just about crunching numbers. It’s about building relationships, offering insights, and becoming a trusted advisor.


Content is the golden ticket to this transformation, yet so many firms don’t even have a content strategy.

Statistically speaking, businesses that consistently publish high-quality content see up to 6 times more conversions compared to those that don’t.

Think about it. Your potential clients are drowning in information. They're looking for solutions, not just service providers. This is where you come in. By creating valuable content, you position your firm as an authority, building trust and attracting the right clients.

But wait! Don’t go all guns blazing creating content like anything.

It’s about creating content that connects and then converts.

We’re talking about content that speaks directly to your target audience's pain points, offers solutions, and compels them to take action – like picking up the phone or filling out a contact form.

Ask yourself, when was the last time a potential client reached out because they stumbled upon a dry, technical article?

Probably never.

But a well-crafted piece that addresses the very challenges they’re facing? That’s what makes them pick up the phone. The fact is, 80% of decision-makers trust articles over ads, highlighting content’s power to build trust.

A few well-crafted pieces that truly resonate with your audience are worth more than a hundred mediocre ones. The trick is to target and enhance the client experience.

Now, what kind of content should you be creating?

Well, that depends on your target audience. Are you targeting startups? Create content on funding, tax incentives, and financial projections.

Working with established businesses? Dive into cash flow management, tax planning, and business growth strategies.

Interactive content formats are also a game changer here. Think quizzes that help potential clients assess their financial health, calculators that provide immediate insights, or webinars that allow for live Q&A sessions.

These formats do more than just inform—they trigger client engagement, making your content more memorable and your firm more approachable.

And while you’re at it, don't forget the power of your firm's social handles. Content marketing doesn’t just stop at creation; it thrives on consistent, strategic sharing.

Sharing your content across platforms amplifies your reach and keeps your firm at the forefront of potential clients' minds. Companies using content marketing see 5-10% higher client retention, proving their role in maintaining relationships.

All in all, content isn't just about promoting your services. It's about providing value.

When you consistently deliver valuable content, you’ll see a surge in organic traffic, increased brand awareness, and, most importantly, new clients knocking on your door.

Want to know more about how to create content that converts?

Check out our Content Creation for Accountancy Firms lesson from Samera’s Free Growth Course.

Until next time,



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