Develop Your Vision and Mission

Here's the next module of the Growth Course

Let’s start the next submodule of the Grow Your Accountancy Firm Course

Hi everyone,

I hope you are well!

I am really excited to let you know that the next submodule of the Grow Your Accountancy Firm course is now live on the Samera Global website.

In this lesson, we will be looking at developing a powerful Vision and Mission statement, why it’s important and how to do it.

Read the article, watch this space for the videos and podcasts and then you’re ready to fill in Grow Your Accountancy Firm Workbook, designed to help you develop a growth action plan tailored to your own business.

In the ‘Learn’ section of the Unstoppable Community, you’ll also find extra help in the form of dozens of FAQs which are designed to help you think about your own vision and mission, as well as with filling in your workbook.

I hope you find the course useful, it is the template of how we at Samera have built our own global businesses and we know it works!

Best wishes,